"Good Morning"
"What the hell do you mean good morning , you know that is from the white man"
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The S Word
SNOW SNOW, the S word is SNOW. So now that you know what is, I am sure you agree that this is the worst thing about winter hands down. One snow only comes when it rains and it is freezing cold at least 32 degrees.( I know Evan Taylor likes this fact) When the snow comes the first thing that i think we all feel is that its a lot colder out when we can see snow. Even if the its not as bad outside the snow mentally attacks you and makes you feel so cold. Then when the snow comes there is always that one jerk that wants to throw a snow ball and then that start a snowball fight,when all you were trying to do was make it back to the dorm from library, or make it to the cafe or something so innocent. I'll say that one or two of these are fun but then after your done pretending that the snowballs are like bullets that will kill on contact, you start to realize the signs from your body. First you notice that your hands are freezing most likely do to the fact that you were not wearing gloves, smart move when joining in the fight of throwing ice. Also your clothes are now wet from getting hit with snow or jumping out the way of flying ice and landing on the snow covered ground. Then there is always that slight chance that you hit someone that is just walking by, and everyone gets that ooh face and some people drop the snow like they were not part of the fight. Then the kid that threw the snow ball that hit the third party is still in the throwing stance because they knew when it left their hand this was not going to end well. The thing about snow is that it hides the scary shit, yes ice.The worst part of snow is the fucking ice that can be anywhere and strike at any time. You know when your walking and you see someone who slides and catches themselves, but then in the back of your head your thinking crap i'm going to slip on ice and look like an idiot in front of everyone. This is why i hate the s word because i walk around afraid of slipping and and being mentally beat up due to the snow, or being in random snow ball fights or even being hit with snow then pretending like it's ok when i know i'm pissed. So i feel that i can speak for us all when i say fuck you jack frost stay the fuck away, we don't want to deal with your shit.
Happy Holiday$
When I hear someone say that what they have is old and that's why there life sucks i want to fight them on the spot. OK I get that people are consumed by fashion and the newest technology but when your not happy because the new ipod came out and you have the old one give me a fucking break. this time of the year is the worst and best example of what I'm talking about. what are you getting someone for Christmas? The newest thing that they wanted and needed to have its ridiculous and black Friday is the night that all the people who are people who i would love to fight are out at once. People love the madness of this night, they think that Johnny and Sara need the new toys and cloths or they will not have a good Christmas, or worse that the parents don't love them. Its all bull shit and don't get me wrong I'm not standing on top looking down i am in this cycle also just guess i can see the big picture once i found out that you know who is not real i guess i started thinking (when i had to start buying gifts) what the hell for. you don't really know what to get people is a huge pain but its in the spirit of Christmas, right? you tell me what a new tv has to do with Jesus being born he was a baby he can't watch it and worse of all we don't even get cake. No I'm not the Grinch but I'm not Elf either, i see myself as more of Ebeneser Scrooge, i am cheap and don't see the point of the holiday. he was smart to save that cash because in January when that bill comes you will wish you were more like him too. I think that i would have given that guys the day of though , that man is cold blooded, i have some soul.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Follow the Leader
Why is being yourself never good enough? Why is it that everyone is trying to be someone else or just something they are not? Think about what we do we see something we want because it looks good on someone else. We think by buying that product that we can be close to the appearance of that person. We compare ourselves to unrealistic goals that are so far from reality that it is not funny. We have an expectation that by going to the gym in the new shoes or in a shirt that you saw on a manikin or a ad, that's what your going to look like. I think the thing that bugs me about it the most is that its not just people are getting new things, do what makes you happy i guess, but don't hold tie your happiness to what the latest and newest thing is. I feel that people get so wrapped up i looks and what they have on that it sickens me. What happen to what you grew up with the morals of its what the person has on the inside that count. where the fuck did that go, when leggings came out we said hell with that, or is it when we start to date that we stop bringing our morals with us. I understand that women have it a million times worse then men and that's an understatement, but really why care. The idea is to look good and we think stars look good and that's what most of people strive for. Then you look at stars who are going on crazy diets trying to get back to the birth weight and others who are killing themselves for their look. Who are they trying to be like?Do you see what i am saying? This is a circle, there looking and trying to be someone else, this game that were all in and its to the point where no one can tell where the start or finish is. Who is following who? So take a step back and do what makes you happy, dress the way you want and don't worry about the person next to you because if your you then, they will probably want to be like you too because your confident.
Movie Quote of the Day
"You've never been to a real school before shut up shut up shut up"
"I didn't say anything"
What Movie is this quote from?
"I didn't say anything"
What Movie is this quote from?
Monday, December 6, 2010
Women in the Mirror
Why do women care about their looks?The reason it's not a big deal for men to not care about there looks is one society and two its the fact we feel we can attract the opposite sex with something other than our looks. Women feel that if they are not pretty that day then they aren't worth anything. All I'm asking for is a 20% look good ratio, so in one week(no including the weekends because when your drinking who cares) dress to impress once. This way guys are on the look out for that day and are excited to see that and not expecting it day in and day out giving women no more reason to stress looks as much. Another thing i have noticed is that it take girls forever to do anything not just get dressed but to pick something out and shop. ooo god why does it take so long for u guys to get things from the mall. i just don't understand why you guys have to touch everything and even if your not planning on buying anything its like I'm in the wrong for saying that this is a waste of time. some one out there please answer these questions.
The Hypocrites at the top of the Hill
Why is it that this place is so hypocritical? Have you not noticed it? That this school preaches (no pun intended) that we must be a certain way then turn around and does the opposite of what they say. An example of this is they tell you that you should turn off your water when your brushing your teeth, but they have the sprinklers on when it rains outside not just for twenty minutes but all day. They tell you to turn off the lights in the bathroom of your dorm if its night and no one is using it but they have every light on campus on. Have you ever been by the library at night or seen it on a weekend it seems as if the they don't have an off switch in the entire building. Then in building that are locked all weekend there are light on all weekend. Then you have candles in the church that can be lit and left unattended but in a room your not allowed to have them no questions asked. This school must be trying to say that because the fire is in the church it will not burn down because the lord is watching over it. This is just another testament to the faith factor.
Movie Quote of the Day
"You want to be making moves on the street, have no attachments have nothing in your life that you can't walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat around the corner."
What movie is this quote from?
What movie is this quote from?
Dance Dance
First i would like to say thank you to one Chris Rooney for the creative Party themes, not sure if he is doing it alone but he is the one sending the invites. I have noticed a surge in the party scene increasing over this past year. When getting here as a freshmen so many years ago the campus parties were so much fun and with the past rule changes and enforcement of these amazing rules school parties became more of a way to get out of the house and enjoy yourself for half an hour and that's if you showed up early. With the "Social Gathering" these days and with the man Rooney having the creative juices flowing with ideas how to make parties more enjoyable the RA's are letting the parties stay longer and people are having more fun. I would say last year was the dark ages of parties on campus, you couldn't have too many people in your house without the authorities making a huge fuss about it. So keep the ugly sweater parties and army themed parties coming. Sorry Poth I know how you HATE dance parties.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Movie Quote of the Day
"To me being a gangster was better than being President of the United States."
What movie is this quote from?
What movie is this quote from?
Get Another Life
Today in class we watched a movie born in the digital age or some crap like that, i didn't care just glad to be watching a movie in class(guess that's where all the money for school is going dvd's). I could not believe how many losers spent countless time of their lives in what they call second life. Companies had their employees using this "technology" to run a fucking business. there were people who considered themselves great friends because of how much time they spent playing in second life, also second life includes world of Warcraft. there were seriously people who got married to someone they knew from playing this fuck game. I guess i can see how they would consider a person on a screen their best friends because that's all they fucking do is play this game and live in this fantasy world. How the fuck else are you going to meet someone in this life or "primary life" if you don't leave your fucking house. You definitely have all your meals delivered, so yes most of them were fat. I just don't get why the hell you would spend so much time in a place that gets your really nothing but another loser to date and have more kids to put money into these games. Take a second and seriously think about this next statement. In North Korea some kids play video games in these shops called PC, kids have DIED playing Video games in these places. How much of a loser are you that you stop taking care of yourself to the point you die. Kids have stopped eating and drinking water and died trying to beat angry birds. Another aspect of this show was that kids were sent to camps to stop using the internet what the fuck kind of camp is that they spent 10 days just shooting the shit and just thinking of that next fix of video games. Really what a shitty waste of money o yes the best part is this 10 day get away was free. To all the Gamers Out there Grow the fuck up.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Movie Quote of the Day
"Looking like a bunch of bum's out here,Y'all Didn't come here to practice cuz champions pay the price"
What movie is this Quote from?
What movie is this Quote from?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
You Got a Label
Why is it tin today's society you have to fit in? That you are something like a jock or a better term an Athlete, a nerd or smart, popular or stuck up, unpopular or a loser. its strange to see because I feel that I'm not the only person who feels that people are people. That life should not be like breakfast club, that you shouldn't have to be in a position of punishment to get to know someone.This is why facebook is so popular, yea you can see pictures and see who you think is hot but also lots of people are trying to make a connection with others. These people are seeing the bigger picture, that they want to meet others that are not in the same bubble that they travel in all the time. I understand that changing the mind of society will not happen over night, maybe it will not happen at all, I am not on television i don't fit pump or say tee shirt time in front of thousands of viewer but that doesn't mean I'm not on to something. When i look at this campus i see pretty much a high school environment where lots of people have clicks and if you don't dress the part then you don't fit in and you have to find a group that you do fit into. I thought this place was for higher learning guess everyone just took that as in the class room. Maybe I'm just being naive in thinking we can all get along. Just think when is the last time you had a conversation with someone that was not a part of your bubble, not a part of class or on a team, what are we afraid of. Without a doubt your going to meet some crazies but that seems like its a fun part of the ride.
Ginger and I'm Not Talking on Sushi
To a person who is not supportive to me and the blog that i have started SD, not sure why there are haters out here trying to piss all over the parade, but thank you it makes it that much better to know that load of people will read this(which is pretty much just friends and family at this point) random thought and think wow that kid has a large dome. Perhaps the people in New Orleans should have stayed there, and yes today is a great day for one i didn't have to do much and tomorrow maybe less but today is a special day because i have now shit on two people in the same room and even funnier they are the closest to the bath room yes they are the toilet. I think i know why you hate this blog its because you have 5 paper to do and you are distracted by this amazing work of literature. The pen is mightier than the sword and i have both.
To the one person that has left a comment i'm not a football player but i still think that its way different so a team of 100 guys and most if not all girls are similar. they prob don't even know each other that well, but some how they all manage to wear the same thing. its not like they all have a meeting at 8 and its the easiest thing to put on no they go out day in and day out wearing the same crap so f u nay Sayer f u. and if your not a mechanic then fix the toilet your a plumber
Uggs, Skin tight pants, and North Faces
Uggs, Skin tight pants, and North Faces are all over my campus and by now I'm sure that they have swept the country too. I don't understand it, not even a little bit. Is every girls thing to be invisible to men. I dare you to walk around your campus and tell me how many girls you see with this combo. i did one day and i stopped at 35 just because it was lunch and i had been counting for five minuets plus it was lunch and i like to eat even cafe food well strike that last statement. so far i have only noticed that white girls have been wearing it, not like i have a large diversity here but still, do white girls not realize that they are wearing the same shit that the girl next to them. i don't want you to think wow that guy must be gay (not that there is anything wrong with that) because he doesn't like when these girls wear pretty much nothing, its not that at all but its just i don't like seeing the same crap on everyone around me. its like a fashion twilight zone and I'm not into syfy. my friends have seen the other blogs and said that i need to make it funnier, so to them Fuck you guys I'm going to do what i want, and the only reason they don't like the blogs that i have done is because they are illiterate. (wow i spelled that right on the first try) the crazy thing about this photo is these people might go to my school. and one more thing really Brady your not helping me out now I'm going to be forced to write another one of these when guys start wearing the uggs.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I'm glad that this was no shave November i heard about it at the start and thought what could be better, all i have to do is nothing that's the kind of work I'm into and the best part is no one can say shit to you about your look cuz its in support of ... not sure don't remember but i think its cancer. so thank you who ever came up with no shave November
after math
No this is not the after math of math class but the after math of drug class. it sounds like it would be a sick class but its all technical and all about the cause and effect of drugs and he repeats himself a bunch which is annoying to say the least. this guys is a good guy well at least he try's we think he is kind of full of himself cuz he did drugs back in the day and now works with addicts all the time. my problem really lies with that i cant stay awake for his class i feel that i have learned a little but not enough to want to climb the stairs to get to his class. i mean really the fact i pay an ass load of money per class an that I'm so unmotivated to walk the stairs to get there say a lot. i feel like i learned so much more from my philosophy teacher who is probably still on drugs, at least his stories are funny and entertaining and then he would add some philosophy to the class and i stayed awake but he make drugs information so dull i cant wait to do them not to get high and have fun so that i may over dose and never have to take that class again. some after math
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