Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ginger and I'm Not Talking on Sushi

To a person who is not supportive to me and the blog that i have started SD, not sure why there are haters out here trying to piss all over the parade, but thank you it makes it that much better to know that load of people will read this(which is pretty much just friends and family at this point) random thought and think wow that kid has a large dome.  Perhaps the people in New Orleans should have stayed there, and yes today is a great day for one i didn't have to do much and tomorrow maybe less but today is a special day because i have now shit on two people in the same room and even funnier they are the closest to the bath room yes they are the toilet. I think i know why you hate this blog its because you have 5 paper to do and you are distracted by this amazing work of literature. The pen is mightier than the sword and i have both.

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