Wednesday, December 1, 2010


To the one person that has left a comment i'm not a football player but i still think that its way different so a team of 100 guys and most if not all girls are similar. they prob don't even know each other that well, but some how they all manage to wear the same thing. its not like they all have a meeting at 8 and its the easiest thing to put on no they go out day in and day out wearing the same crap so f u nay Sayer f u. and if your not a mechanic then fix the toilet your a plumber


  1. i still feel the pain from that picture... which brings me to my next point.. i dont wanna start a war.. which brings me further to the song of the day.
    you ain't sayin nothin anyways might as well talk about nothing

  2. first off, you should learn how to play basketball before you play with the big dogs. besides your noise looks better now after i broke it. you had no girlfriend before your noise was broke and now you do. you should be thanking me.
