Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The S Word

SNOW SNOW, the S word is SNOW. So now that you know what is, I am sure you agree that this is the worst thing about winter hands down. One snow only comes when it rains and it is freezing cold at least 32 degrees.( I know Evan Taylor likes this fact) When the snow comes the first thing that i think we all feel is that its a lot colder out when we can see snow. Even if the its not as bad outside the snow mentally attacks you and makes you feel so cold. Then when the snow comes there is always that one jerk that wants to throw a snow ball and then that start a snowball fight,when all you were trying to do was make it back to the dorm from library, or make it to the cafe or something so innocent. I'll say that one or two of these are fun but then after your done pretending that the snowballs are like bullets that will kill on contact, you start to realize the signs from your body. First you notice that your hands are freezing most likely do to the fact that you were not wearing gloves, smart move when joining in the fight of throwing ice. Also your clothes are now wet from getting hit with snow or jumping out the way of flying ice and landing on the snow covered ground. Then there is always that slight chance that you hit someone that is just walking by, and everyone gets that ooh face and some people drop the snow like they were not part of the fight. Then the kid that threw the snow ball that hit the third party is still in the throwing stance because they knew when it left their hand this was not going to end well. The thing about snow is that it hides the scary shit, yes ice.The worst part of snow is the fucking ice that can be anywhere and strike at any time. You know when your walking and you see someone who slides and catches themselves, but then in the back of your head your thinking crap i'm going to slip on ice and look like an idiot in front of everyone. This is why i hate the s word because i walk around afraid of slipping and and being mentally beat up due to the snow, or being in random snow ball fights or even being hit with snow then pretending like it's ok when i know i'm pissed. So i feel that i can speak for us all when i say fuck you jack frost stay the fuck away, we don't want to deal with your shit.


  1. this is a very angry post which is why i enjoy it. however i enjoy when it is actually snowing, but i do agree with you about the ice. you forgot to mention the gross slushy, dirtiness of all the walkways when the snow melts. and your example about throwing snowballs at innocent people walking by kind of sounds like you've experienced it before. i'll make sure to throw excessive amounts of snow balls at you (while wearing gloves though) to remind you of your hatred for this weather once it finally snows.

  2. i love snow. are you all evil?
