Canada seems like a great place and i have visited Montreal it was a nice time. However i was thinking the other day about the Country and i wanted to share my thoughts about it with you. Canada is diet America, they wish that they were as cool as us but they are obviously not. They are like the little brother who follows big bro around trying to do the things that he does. The only thing that Canada has going for them is the universal health care and the not wasting time and or money on Marijuana. This big brother could learn a thing or two from them, but Canada seems weak as a country not because they don't go into wars every chance they get but because they have no real identity. That's how i see it anyway. Some thing that Canada is really good at is hockey, yet when i think of the sport, the power house that i see is not them. I feel that they take a back seat to the Russians in this topic simply because Russia seems so much tougher in the sport than Canada. Honestly look at south park the way that they see the Canadians, I am not alone in this school of thought. So Canada Thank your for the Ginger ale and they idea that we don't have to fight drugs and that it is possible to get universal health care but contribute more along the ways of media like a TV show Degrassi was good or something other than Drake in it and maybe ill see you in a different light but for know I dont think we should have our boarders touching. I mean at some point little bro has to stop holding hands with big bro.